1966 Slingerland Modern Solo outfit in Sparkling Red Pearl 14x20 16x16 8x12 8x12
1966 Slingerland Modern Solo outfit in Sparkling Red Pearl 14x20 16x16 8x12 8x12
1966 Slingerland Modern Solo outfit
Original Sparkling Red Pearl
14x20 Bass Drum
16x16 Floor Tom
8x12 Tom Tom
8x12 Tom Tom
Seems to be all original parts throughout the set.
All clear maple interiors with date stamps
One of the floor tom leg brackets has been modified with new threading in more than one spot.
A portion of inlay missing from the batter side bass drum hoop.
Please inspect photos and ask any questions about the listing you may have prior to purchase. All sales final.
International buyers - Contact us with your mailing address for a shipping quote prior to purchase.
All sales are final.
Due to the nature of these vintage instruments, we cannot offer refunds or exchanges. Please inspect photos and ask any questions you have about the listing prior to purchase.
International shipping
International buyers – please contact us with your mailing address for a shipping quote prior to purchase.